
* Dianne Hubbard at LAC (264-61-223356 or fax 234953), from a legal perspective, involved with the Woman and Law Committee of the Law Reform Development Committee.
* A member of the Law Reform Committee and chair of the Woman in Law Committee is Vicki Erenstein Ya Toivo (tel. 264-61-2819111 and 2812245 or fax. 222428). She is also Government Attorney.
* Namibian Ombudsperson, Adv Bience Gawanas-Minney, deals with sex abuse in the work place. Tel. 264-61-2073111, fax 226838.
* Activists working with rape survivors: Gisela Haoses or Sonja Carew at Women Solidarity, tel. 262275 or fax 262275.
* Rianne Selle, rape and womens activist, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Private Bag 13344, WindhoekTel.264-61-222246 Fax.264-61-224937. email: [email protected]
* Catholic AIDS Action, Namibia. e-mail tel: 061-276-350 fax: 061-276-364
cell: 081-240-8992 General e-mail is: Physical address - 21 Jan Jonker Road, Windhoek Mailing address - Post Office Box 11525, Windhoek
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